Been on Facebook since The Jonas Brothers were cool the first time around? You may want to look into a new class-action lawsuit, according to TikToker and attorney John DeGasperis.

A few weeks ahead of the August 25th deadline to file a claim for a piece of Facebook’s $725 million class-action settlement for sharing user data with third parties like Cambridge Analytica without consent, DeGasperis sounded off on the momentous suit, and why any American who was on the social media platform between May 24, 2007 and December 22, 2022 should fill out this form.

“You’re not gonna get five bucks,” DeGasperis explained, fielding a definitely-not-planned question from an off-screen voice asking if the payout would be worth the hassle. “Experts think that most people will get a couple of hundred dollars or as they said ‘triple digits,’” he continued, referencing an estimate from a law professor at the University of California, San Francisco.

Though DeGasperis admitted that “some people” will ultimately rake in less than a Benjamin, time plays an integral role in how much Facebook users could bring home. “The real factor is going to be for how long you used Facebook during the applicable period,” explained DeGasperis, who typically specializes in personal injury law. “For those people who used it longer, you’ll get more money, and the people who used it less frequently, you’ll get less money.”

Whoever said that there isn’t value in spending hours longingly searching for old crushes clearly knows nothing about the law.